Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Cheese & Chillies

I love cooking. All throughout last couple of years, I found cooking to be a great stress-reliever. Besides, one needs to be innovative and creative to cook good food.I do not consider myself a great cook. But I am moderately good cook and I enjoy trying and eating new recipes. This blog represents some of my experiments with cooking.I never thought I would love & most importantly enjoy cooking when I was a child. I owe this transformation to my coming to UK and also to Amit. Amit is my food critique. He not only likes to eat different recipes but suggests some wonderful improvements.

The name of this blog 'Cheese & Chillies' represents Western and Indian cooking styles. Indian cooking can't be complete without using chillies and the omnipresent ingredient in western cooking is cheese. That does not mean that all the recipes presented here contain either cheese or chillies:). All the photographs are courtesy of Amit Walambe. By no means, these are new recipes. For me, the reason to write this blog is to make an repository for myself. Another reason is that I search a lot for recipes and then combine/modify different recipes on web/books/ from friends to create something I like the most. This is just a list of them.

I do hope you enjoy these articles.If you need any help with one of these recipes or have any suggestions , please contact me through email (rahee dot walambe at gmail dot com).

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